03 August, 2014

Opening the blog for the Youtube contents!

Hello and welcome to this blog; you may have walked into it from my youtube channel. Maybe you've been following me for a while, or you just found out about it, and you really like what I do. For that, I thank thee, my lovely follower, and may you keep on enjoying the content I make, FOREVER.

For my first post, here's something to give you a reason to check the blog every now and then: a progress bar for the next video(s)! Brilliant, right? From this day henceforth, it stays at the top of the blog for instant viewing. For now, this will represent the 4S Urien Superplay I'm working on right now for a commissioner. In the future, I'll most likely add more progress bars for other videos in the making, i.e. other superplays, fights, etc.

That's it for now. I'll write the commissioning info in a different post. Take care guys.

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