30 October, 2014


It's finally here. Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike (and 4th Strike) on Youtube at 60fps! Make sure to watch at 720p for it to work.
Click here to watch if it doesn't work in the embedded version

15 October, 2014

New Superplay series: Playaround!

Uh yeah, new series for my channel. See, I feel like I don't put new content nearly enough, so from now on I will be doing at least one round of content with a randomly chosen character. I'll mostly pick from 4S due to the changes done to the cast of characters, so for this first volume, you get Yun!
Another thing to note is the duration of said Playaround videos. This one ended up being a single round, not even a minute long, but you can expect these to be longer at times. They will have no relation to fully fleshed out videos, instead they will serve only to play around with a character a little bit. In this case I show 4S Yun's ability to super jump cancel out of the second hit of his EX shoulder special, and the slightly longer meter. 'til next time!

Wesker does a double kill with a single slap!

My personal favorite clip from my time playing RE5. It's just too perfect.

12 October, 2014

Not dead yet!

It's been a while since the latest update and upload but I'm doing just fine. For now I'll just say you can expect something over the next week.

Take care guys!